Getting a great resort deal is a big factor in what makes a holiday successful.  For most people, it’s not only about being able to say that “I stayed in Hotel So and So.”  Nowadays, it just feels better for people on their holidays to say, “I stayed in Hotel So and So for only $XX a night!”

In this economic climate, we have found that customers are spending more time looking for “good deals” than ever before.  This inspired the eTourism team to come up with a feature on how our eTourism Online clients can make use of this opportunity.  We did this through Specials—an eTourism Online feature that flags particular dates with promotional room rates.

As pictured above, the special rates are highlighted by a flame, drawing the customers’ eyes directly to these rates.  In the short time it has been available we have found that resorts using this feature are using it successfully.   

So, if you’re an eTourism Online customer and haven’t tried the Specials feature, be sure to give it ago. If you’re not an eTourism Online customer but would like more information, visit eTourism Online Free Trial.