Keeping a resort blog is a lot more work than most people might initially think.  One of these factors is the amount of time spent on commenting: approving comments, responding to comments, and commenting on other blogs.

But after a while of blogging and not receiving comments you begin to think, don’t they like my blog?  Well, it’s more than that.  Read below for some of the most common reasons why people snub your comment box:

Your post is not very compelling. If you are just putting something very general, late or totally off-topic, don’t expect people to jump on board.  Chances are, you’re just boring people.

You have no call to action. Ask for people’s opinion on the topic so that they may be more encouraged to leave comments.

You only put links about about your posts. It is extremely advantageous to link someone who’s discussing something relevant to your topic as it will make your entry more credible and well-researched.  It will seem like you’re generous enough to share the limelight in your blog.  Not only that, but the blogger will get a pingback (a notification that another blogger wrote a blog entry that includes a link to their post) and quickly come back to your site, hopefully also to thank you.

You don’t post regularly. People like rhythm.  When people expect you to post 5 times a week, once a week, whatever – at least they know what’s coming.  If you fall off with this momentum, loss of commenters is often to follow.

People just Retweet or Share on Facebook. Sometimes it is just easier to retweet (reposting something in Twitter) or share it on Facebook if you like a post rather than taking time to fill out your name and email to make a comment.

You don’t reply to their comments right away. Even if you do respond to comments, you’re doing it days and weeks later.  This loses the momentum of your blog comments.

You don’t respond at all. People spend time to give you their opinions and ideas that’s why the least you can do is reply and thank them for their comments.

You don’t comment on people’s blogs. Social media has a bit of an emotional bank account.  People will remember when you comment and comment some more. If you even hesitate in answering this question, start commenting more and rediscover yourself.

You’re blog is new.  In the case of our corporate blog we started blogging a little over a year ago. The objective of this blog was to inform our customers (self contained apartment and resort managers) with what’s happening inside eTourism and educate them on the latest online marketing trends.  We have found that our audience has minimal Internet knowledge and are less likely to comment on our posts as these topics are all fairly new to them.  But, as their skills and knowledge of the subject becomes more advanced, they could be more confident to give feedback and interact with other readers.

So if you are new on the blogging scene, it is very likely it will take you some time to build your brand online.