If you regularly check in on your Google Analytics data to see how your resort’s website is performing (as you should), you’re probably keeping an eye on your Bounce Rate. This much talked about quality metric represents the percentage of visitors who land...
google Archive
5 Ways To Improve Your Hotel’s Search Presence
Search engines, and particularly Google, remain one of your guests’ favourite tools for researching and planning their breaks online. This means creating and maintaining an effective SEO campaign is a huge component of building a successful internet presence for...
What You Should Know About Google’s Upcoming Mobile Update
The internet is becoming more mobile by the day, and unsurprisingly, it’s Google that is leading the way. In just two weeks, the search company will launch its biggest shake-up of mobile search to date, as it begins using mobile friendliness as a signal when...
Travel Is More Mobile Than Ever – Join In Or Lose Out
Today’s travellers are researching, planning and booking their breaks online, and – more than ever before− they're using their Smartphones to help them do it. It’s a trend that is only set to escalate according to data specialists...
Are You Ready For Google’s Mobile Search Update?
As you’ve probably heard, Google recently made an announcement stating its intention to use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal from April this year. In case you still needed it, this news should be the final push you’ve been waiting for to make a...
10 Content Marketing Tips You Need To Know
Content marketing is one of the most important ways to catch your guests’ attention and drive more bookings online. It’s also one of the most difficult skills to master. If you know you need to up your content game, but you’re not sure where to...
How To Create Quality Content – A Simple 5 Point Checklist
In the past couple of years, Google has put a big emphasis on the link between “quality content” and ranking highly in the search results. But what exactly does quality content look like? Put together using Google’s guidelines and our own experience,...
Google Sends Out Mass Email Warnings to Non-Mobile Friendly Sites
In the last week, Google has been sending out emails to sites which are not currently mobile-friendly, warning webmasters that their content will not rank highly for smartphone users. The email notifications, which have been sent out on a mass scale via Webmaster...
4 Tips to Make Semantic Search Work For Your Resort
Google has changed search dramatically in the last couple of years, transforming it from a system that could be ‘tricked’ with poor quality, keyword-stuffed content, into a personalized search engine that draws on semantics to deliver the most relevant...