Gain more control on when you want your Corporation Coupons (Promo Codes) to be available through a new feature included in eTourism Online’s latest update. There may be instances when you would like to close out certain dates from using promo codes and instead of manually disabling them throughout the duration of the close out dates you can now define multiple close out dates in one go and in advance.
To use this functionality, log in to your eTourism extranet and go to the close out section of your Corporation Coupons menu which is found in the Distribution Menu. You simply add the close out dates and click Add Close Out to save the changes. You would also see and be able delete active close out dates.

You could view the yearly summary of the saved close outs in the View Close Outs page.

If you would like assistance with using this functionality please contact our support team via or give us a call on 1300 551 448