After establishing your online marketing strategy, the next big step for your hotel is partnership marketing. By developing a mutually beneficial arrangement with a local business that shares the same values or goals as your brand, you’ll be taking your marketing strategy to the next level with a boost in customers for both you as well as your partnership business.

Currently in the tourism business, brand synergy can provide a huge incentive for customers to choose your hotel over a competitor. At the same time that it displays your local influence, it also shows your brand’s willingness to network, collaborate and deliver the best experience for all of your guests.

Think Outside Your Hotel

Is there a local business that you personally admire? Are there any local businesses that also cater to the same customer base as you? Perhaps you're already acquainted with the owner of a business in your area – whichever it is for you, take the exciting opportunity to reach out and team up, where you can be sure the owner will be just as eager as you in increasing customer interest.

Travellers love an offer, as well as the encouragement to discover the best local hotspots when visiting a brand new location. This is where you can entertain their needs by establishing a local partnership, whether it’s a busy local cafe or restaurant, a nearby gym or spa, a popular tour operator or attraction – even a live entertainment venue or the leading local transportation service.

The key is to know your hotel customer base and what they would be likely to enjoy during their stay. Once you’ve established this, determine your best options then set your sights on a strategic new partnership.

Take a Leap and Reach Out

Reach out to the owner of your chosen business and put forth your proposal – a mutually rewarding deal is sure to get their attention, in which you’ve devised a reliable strategy that will send your staying guests straight to their doorstep. Talk it over and share your objectives, then come together on a marketing scheme that puts both you and your partnership business on a course for results.

You can also offer website promotion once your marketing partnership is in place, as well as favourable endorsements in emails, guest loyalty schemes, social media posts and blogs. As long as your shared marketing strategy benefits both parties, it’s a winning situation for you, your partnership business and the customers you’ll be bringing in.

Trial your marketing plan for an agreed period then employ regular meet-ups to discuss current progress, future goals and bigger steps moving forward. Communication and collaboration are key in partnership marketing which, if implemented effectively, will provide another exciting incentive for guests to choose your hotel.

Has your hotel partnered up with a local business? Let us know in the comments below!


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