The wait is finally over for avid Apple fans, eagerly anticipating the launch of their latest product, the iPad.

The launch of the latest gadget from Apple did not disappoint the awaiting fans, many who camped out at Apple stores early Friday morning to be among the first in the country to obtain the infamous touch screen tablet computer, iPad.

The iPad is a tablet computer designed by Apple specifically for Internet browsing, media consumption, gaming, and light content creation. It is a hybrid creation that morphs smartphones and laptops into one unique device.

Spokesman for Apple, indicated that the company would not disclose how many iPads where currently available in Australia, however said the numbers where limited.

There are two models of the iPad currently available to the Australian market, the Wi-Fi or the Wi-Fi+3G. The main difference is, the later allows for fast cellular phone network access when users were not within range of a Wi-Fi network.

If you are still looking to purchase an iPad, prices start at $629 (Australian dollars) and go up to $1,049.

The new technology has been available in the Unites States since its release in April, where the device made record sales of over one million iPads sold in the first 28 days.   

If you were among the many who pre-ordered the iPad, deliveries were beginning to be made as of Friday, and you should receive your new device any day now. 

Click here for more information on the iPad or to see how it can benefit your hotel.