How different is your database from the rest?

Like others, yours contain thousands of contact details of past, current and potential guests of your resort—all gathered by you to help build a strong relationship with them through occasional newsletters and promotions.

While all of that are still a common routine, most social media guru’s suggest that you can now try a different kind of database that can enhance your guest relationship in a non-traditional way.  Here are some examples:

Knowledge Database

Create a custom RSS subscription database of travel blogs and news sites your guests would find interesting, either by virtue of information they provided you or based on an industry they should follow.

You can read how to set up an RSS Reader from our past entries.

Supplier Database

Build a list of suppliers or service providers that can deliver your guest’s needs, except of course if it’s something related to your actual offerings. It can go from car rental services to designer boutiques in the area of your resort.  Offer this to your guests as a service to help them find great companies for everything they buy.

This strategic partner database is something you should be building and maintaining for your referral and lead generation activities anyway, but take it a step further.

Remind Me Database

Give them the opportunity to put all the birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates in their lives into a database with the promise to remind them to take action when the date was coming up. With each reminder, you can offer them discounts if they book an accommodation to celebrate Mother’s Day or their birthdays in your resort offer as something for that date, such as flowers or gifts.