Setting up a Foursquare account is a quick and easy way to increase your online presence.
Foursquare allows users to “check-in” to restaurants, business or other venues when they arrive. This application is becoming popular with Hotels and Bars, encouraging people to “check-in” to their place of business.
Want to set one up? Just follow these quick and easy steps:
There are two ways to get connected to Foursquare. Firstly, you can add the application via your mobile phone. There are applications available for iPhone, Blackberry, Android and Palm Pre.
Secondly, if you don’t have a compatible phone you can use the website to check in,
Once you have the application, or have joined up via the “join now” button on the website, you can “check-in” to your favourite business locations.
Checking in:
A “check in”, is when you tell Foursquare where you are. You can “check-in” anywhere you like, parks, bars, museums, restaurants, you name it! Foursquare will also notify your friends where you have “checked in”. If you don’t want to notify your friends of your locations you can “check in” “off the grid”. This allows you to “check in” without having your location broadcast to everyone.
How does Foursquare work?
Foursquare allows you to “check-in” by choosing the name of the place you are currently at from a list of locations. If the place you are trying to “check in” does not exist yet, you can create a new location by putting in the business name and street address. Foursquare doesn’t know where you are unless you “check-in”.
Once you have been using foursquare for awhile:
Foursquare rewards its frequent users by giving them titles such as the “Mayor” or “Badges”.
To earn the title of “Mayor” of a particular place you have to have checked in more than anyone else. Some businesses also offer “Mayor Specials” – a free coffee or appetiser or maybe a special discount to the mayors of their venues. The title of “Mayor” has to be maintained, if someone else checks in more than you, they will be given the title.
“Badges” are also given out as a reward if you check into an interesting place.
Foursquare points:
There is a points system used in Foursquare for each “check in” you make. You earn points for your very first “check-in” at a certain place or if you add a new business to the listings guide. You can view a list of the users with the most points for that week by visiting the “Leaderboard”.
Foursquare is still developing its application, so there are always new additions or developments being made. This location based social networking site‘s popularity is increasing everyday, and with the possibility of having people “check in” to your Hotel or Business, its the perfect way to increase your online visibility. Get connected!