Now that Google is rolling out Hotel Finder on a worldwide scale, it’s time to pay attention to your hotel’s Google Hotel Finder page. 

Because the product’s initial feed of data was collected from sites like, online travel agencies and GDS representation companies, it’s highly likely that your property is already listed in Google Hotel Finder. If it isn’t, here’s want you need to do to get listed: 

Get listed on Google Hotel Finder 

The first step is to create a Google+ Local page for your hotel. This page will integrate guest reviews and local search into one platform – just think of it as your property’s main brand page for all things Google. 

Simply search "Google+ Local" on Google Australia to get started

Once you have registered, your Google+ Local page will hold all your hotel’s basic data – including name, description, photographs, and website URL – ready for Hotel Finder to pick up. 

In order to get Google Hotel Finder to hold dynamic information like rates and availability, you’ll need to either get your property listed with one of the online travel agencies that display ads on Google, or use one of the GDS service providers that already supply the Hotel Finder product with data. See here for a list of GDS and OTAs currently connected to Google Hotel Finder

Once these steps are completed, Google Hotel Finder will pick up your hotel description from your Google+Local page, retrieve your rate and availability info from an online travel agency or GDS service provider, and your property will be listed on Google Hotel Finder!   

Editing your listing

It’s important to note that although Hotel Finder collected your hotel’s info from several different sources, if you’d like to edit any of your basic static data, you’ll need to do it through your Google+Local page.

So, if you’d like to change up your property images, add something new to your description or correct a phone number or email address, simply login to your Google+Local page and tweak the listing until you’re pleased with how it will appear on Google Hotel Finder. 

If your hotel is not already taking advantage of Google+ Local as a valuable marketing tool, the launch of Google Hotel finder means now’s the time to get onboard. Take the time to make your Google+ Local page stand out as much as possible with detailed information, photos, customer reviews and videos to ensure your property gets noticed in Google Hotel Finder, and get a head start on your competition!  

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