If you want to get more out of your hotel's blogging campaign, but don’t have the time to produce more content, you’ll be pleased to hear there are plenty of things you can do to take your hotel’s blog to the next level, without spending hours slaving over the keyboard.
Increase Your Subscribers
Here are a few simple steps you can take to increase your subscription base:
- Think about including secondary calls to action both within your blog posts and along the side or top of your blog. You should also consider adding blog subscription call to actions (CTAs) to some of the other pages of your hotel’s website where appropriate.
- You could have a landing page dedicated to blog subscription and promote this page on your social media networks.
- Use your email marketing campaign to promote blog subscription – a subscription CTA can be included in some of your emails as a simple P.S!
Revamp Old Post Titles for SEO
Everyone knows an eye-catching title is one of the best ways to garner clicks. As you produce new content, your old posts are still driving plenty of valuable organic traffic to your website, and you can pump up this value by optimising the titles for SEO. For example, if you’re trying to rank for “5 Star Gold Coast Hotel”, you can go back and change an old title from “The Best Dining Experiences on the Gold Coast” to “Fine Dining Near our 5 Star Gold Coast Hotel.”
Test and Optimise Your CTAs
Since the primary goal of your blogging campaign is to drive traffic and bookings, any time you spend improving your CTAs is a very worthwhile investment. Use different variations of colour, copy and layout for the CTAs within your blog posts and those above and to the side of your posts to see which combinations garner the best conversion rates. Of course, once you’ve discovered which CTA designs generate the best results, you’ll want to replace the CTAs in all your old blog posts with these new better performing ones!
Recycle your Old Content
Go into your analytics and identify your best performing blog posts. Could they do with an update? You could draw attention to these posts again by publishing a new post, redirecting the old link to this new post, or you could just freshen up the existing post with new content. You shouldn’t feel guilty about doing this, after all, you’ve probably gained plenty of new readers since you first published the post that won’t have seen it, and those who did read it first time round are unlikely to remember – they’ve read a lot of content since.
Identify Your Most Popular Topics
Determine which blogs topics are most popular with your readers by exporting your blog analytics onto a spreadsheet and categorising the data by topic. Then use information like the number of post views to identify those blog topics that go down well with your readers and those that tend to miss the mark. You don’t have to remove these less popular topics from your blogging repertoire completely, but knowing which topics resonate the best with your audience is a useful way to boost your traffic in times of need.
Social Sharing
It almost goes without saying that you should optimise your blog for social media by adding social share and follow buttons to your posts. This is an essential way to expand your hotel’s social reach while simultaneously increasing your blog’s readership. So if you haven’t made your blog social yet, make sure that task is at the top of your to-do list.
Do you have any other tips on how to boost your blog’s performance without producing more content?