After receiving a number of queries in regards to how or what eTourism does with your private data, including email lists, I thought I would write this blog post to let you all know what eTourism’s policy is in regards to this.

eTourism DOES NOT engage in selling, passing or giving any of your data or information to any 3rd party company including our retail brand eTourism Holidays OR even use it for its own needs or benefit.

If we develop your own website, the data collected during the process of a reservation or a website enquiry belongs to you. eTourism does not have the right to use this information for any other purpose. Every client has its own database within which your data is securely stored and is only accessible by certain people with the necessary security privileges at eTourism We take security very seriously which is why there are various different passwords for systems and strict conditions on the makeup of passwords. Neither party wants a guests private information to fall into the wrong hands.

eTourism uses SSL encryption where appropriate including 256 bit SSL encryption on our market leading eTourism Online reservations system to safeguard the customers private and personal data.

If instructed by a client, we would use your email databases to create or run an email campaign on your behalf. All advertising would include a sender address of your own designated email address not of eTourism. If you send us your database to use, this is imported only into your mailing program and will not be added anywhere else. Your email databases are like Gold to you and eTourism takes this issue very seriously.

eTourism conforms to the anti spam act with all its software and processes to ensure that potential customers do not receive unsolicited emails.

For more information on the Anti Spam act visit the ACMA website:

eTourism Holidays:

If a guest makes a reservation directly through the eTourism Holidays website, call centre or one of the eTourism Holidays branded portals, we reserve the right to market back to these guests. The guests are advised of this at the time of booking or enquiry including the right to unsubscribe from our marketing material if they so wish to.

Should you need to know any further information about this or anything to do with eTourism’s services, please feel free to contact us.