Facebook’s like functionality has just been revamped to now publish a full news feed instead of just a one-line Recent Activity story. Previously the Like button would only publish the name of the page being Liked to the Recent Activity section of your profile. One of the problems with the Recent Activity section was it hardly ever showed up in your friends news feed. We all know the news feed is the ideal place to attract the most impressions. 


This change will provide more prominence to the information being shared including the website address and page summary. This is free traffic generated as a result of a fan recommending your web page to their friends. This is ultimately going to drive more referral traffic to your resorts website, which every hotel marketer will be happy with.  Over 2.5 million websites now have the Like button installed. If your website already has the Facebook Like button installed there is no change over required, for those without the Facebook Like button, contact your hotel web developer to have it inserted now!