Create a Facebook Page for your Business:

Setting up a Facebook Page for your business is a quick and effective way to put your business online. A Page is similar to a personal Profile, except that instead of people “Friending’ you, public users can become a “Fan” of your Page. The main difference between a Profile and a Page is that a Page is public and users do not have to request Admin approval to access your Page.

Just follow these quick and easy steps:

1.      To create your Facebook Page you must be logged into your Facebook account. Then visit,

2.      Facebook will prompt you to fill out the details of your page. You must Select a category for your business or product. The category will assist in ranking your business in relevant searches.

3.      Next you Choose a name for your Page. For example, most business would use their company name, or the name of the product that the Page is based on.

4.      Once you have completed this you can click Create your page.  There is an option under this, “Do not make Page publicly visible at this time.” It is advisable that you tick this box. By doing so you will be able to fill in all the required information fields prior to publishing your Page.  

5.      The next step is Customizing your Page. This is done similarly to how you would edit a Profile. Click on the “Info” tab and then click on “Edit Information”. This will allow you to add information about your business. You may want to include your business’ website, a description of the services you offer and any other related products or information that you think might be helpful.

6.      Select a photo for your Business Page. For example your business’s logo or a picture of the product your Page is based on.

7.      There are many Special Features of a Page which can be used to your business’s advantage, such as the Discussion Board, Photos and also the Reviews section. (located next to the “Discussion” tab)

8.      Once you have completed all of the information about your business and you are ready to publish your page, click the “Publish this Page” button. This will publish your Page and make it accessible to the public.

Your final Page will look something like this:


A few tips about being an Admin:

Although you have created the Page under your profile, your name and personal Profile will not be visible anywhere on your Page. As the Administrator you are simply the manager of the site. Anything you do, whether it is posting new information, responding to a thread in the Discussion Board, the posts will appear from the company rather than you personally.

You will also want to become a fan of your Page. By doing this you’re Page will be visible on your personal Profile as some thing you are a “Fan” of. This gives more exposure to your Page. It is a good idea to get everyone in your company to “Become a Fan” of the Page too.

Another feature of being an Admin is you can designate additional people to become Administrators. Simply click on the “Edit Page” button, and select “Admins”. You can then click on the “Add” button and select who you wish to designate as the additional Admin.


Helpful tips on how to promote your Page:

Now that you have an active Page, you need to get some fans.

1.      Give users a reason to come to your Page by adding applications such as a You Tube video box.

2.      Use the “News Feed” function.

Every time one of your fans engages with content on your page the activity is published on their personal “News Feed”. This “News Feed” is visible to everyone in their personal network. Every activity of your fans on your page gets shared with a greater network, creating great exposure for your business.

3.      Inform your existing cliental about your Facebook Page.

Consider emailing them with the link to your Page, or post a Blog on your blog site. Make sure wherever you mention Facebook to post a link or badge to your Page.

4.      Use the opportunity to appear in Search Engines.

Once your Page is public it will show up in search engines results. This is a great way to drive traffic to your Page. Ensure that once you have finished setting up your Page you “Publish” it.

5.      Facebook Adds gives you the opportunity to advertise your business. You have the option to advertise something on Facbook such as Pages, Groups and Events or even advertise a website.