For Foursquare, it’s out with the old and in with the new.Just last week, the social networking site introduced their new and improved version with Foursquare 2.0. Don’t worry, this change can be beneficial for your resort.In fact, Foursquare 2.0...
Social Media Archive
Facebook Places Ready to Launch in Australia in Weeks?
A few weeks back, Facebook unveiled its new geolocation feature, Places—where users can check in at a particular place to share with friends. It was initially available in the United States but was recently launched in the United Kingdom and Japan.Facebook...
How to Claim Your Resort Venue on Foursquare
Have you claimed your resort on Foursquare yet?Recently, Foursquare became more business-friendly after they created a step by step process to allow business owners to claim their venue on Foursquare.But before we proceed on how to claim your resort venue on...
Increase Your Facebook Fans in 4 Simple Ways
Aside from being a great resort, how else can you get more fans on Facebook?If you are running out of ideas, don’t worry. We have just the 4 fan acquisition strategies to help your resort’s Facebook page gain more fans.:1. Turn Guests into Fans at...
Include Twitter Testimonials in Your Blog or Website
Nothing confirms how truly phenomenal your resort’s services are than people raving about their experience with it through their social networking sites such as Twitter.These days, actual experience speaks more than fancy ads claiming exceptional services and...
Pay Attention to Your Twitter Mentions
Answering and acknowledging frustrated clients or interested prospects are just not enough anymore when it comes to social media marketing. We have discussed previously on how to deal with Twitter complaints but what if what you have in your hands are just mere...
Establish New Connections for Your Business
Be it online or offline, making new connections can be quite daunting for some people. But if you’re running a resort, making new friends is a must to getting new clients. And there’s no better place to begin than through the Internet.Luckily,...
Deal with Your Twitter Complaints Like a Pro
Every resort has experienced getting small complaints from their guests one time or another, be it because they don’t like the scent of the free soap or that the concierge wasn’t very helpful. They are usually issues that are easy to address but when they...
Widen Your Resort’s Reach with Facebook Status Updates
While posting Facebook status updates is a great way to engage with your resort clients, there are some ways to kick them up a notch to expand your promotional potential—by using tags. The feature was overlooked by many people who aren’t staying...