With the huge emphasis that has been placed on content production in recent years, competition for travel consumers’ attention online has never been fiercer. A high quality and strategic SEO campaign is therefore essential if you want to be the best answer to...
Search Engine Marketing Archive
Is SEO Dead in 2017?
It’s a debate that rages on and on, and not least when it comes to online travel marketing: is search engine optimisation still relevant, or is it a dying practice? Well I can confirm, SEO is alive and well – in fact, organic search consistently generates...
Keyword Research 101: How To Uncover New Key Search Terms For Your Hotel
Choosing the right words to rank for can make or break the success of your hotel’s PPC campaigns. By taking time to conduct research into the market’s demand for certain keywords and phrases, you can identify the words to target to reach more of your...
6 Steps To a Better Google Ranking
93% of all online experiences begin with a query typed into a search engine. SEO is all about helping Google and the other search engines understand how your website is likely to be a relevant and helpful source of information for these queries. Appearing on the first...
What’s Happening In SEO Right Now – 4 Key Trends to Watch
SEO is constantly evolving. New Google algorithms, insights and best practices emerge on a regular basis and it’s essential to keep on top of these changes if you want to beat your competition and get found in the search results by your guests. Here are 4...
4 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Search Rankings
Driving a steady flow of relevant traffic to your hotel website is integral to the success of your entire digital marketing campaign. If you don’t have online travellers landing on your website, it’s impossible to convert them into bookings and loyal,...
4 SEO Trends for 2016
Whatever other marketing tactics come and go in the coming 12 months, SEO is here to stay. Recent stats show that an average of 12 billion online searches are made every month, and that’s just in the US. With so many people using Google and other search engines...
How To Succeed at SEO: Optimise For Your Guests First, Searchbots Second
Search engines have come a long way since the early days of the internet, which means search marketers have had to change their game plans quite drastically in their attempts to master them. Keywords remain important, but you’ll need to do far more than just...
3 SEO Strategies to Try Right Now
SEO has come a long way. Following the Hummingbird algorithm update of 2013, Google has been placing less value on keyword matching, focusing instead on context, uniqueness and quality in an attempt to serve up the most relevant results for its users. So what does...