Even in the rise of social networking sites, email remains a critical channel to embrace for B2B marketing success for any hotel, apartment or resort. However, it’s a channel that’s poorly treated due to our excitement at the extreme ROI potential of...
Hotel Marketing Archive
Facebook Group and Page – Which product should your Resort choose?
It is seemingly the important question being asked by Resorts and Internet Marketing campaign managers; Facebook Group or Page? There has been recent discussion as to benefits of Pages and Groups for Resorts wanting to increase their Facebook and subsequent online...
Mobile internet- What does this mean for Resorts?
The internet has truly turned mobile. The popular trend in today’s society is mobile internet, and everywhere we look resorts are jumping on the band wagon. Mobile internet allows people to access websites on their mobile phones, literally anywhere –...
Hotels Seek to Prevent Anonymous Reviews of their Property
Hotels are becoming increasingly more image conscious, especially when it comes to guests who post their reviews online. Some hotels have started to use information locations, dates and usernames that appear online to discover the identity of a guest. Once the hotels...
InterContinental and Gowalla prepared to make the ‘Hit it Big Summer Promotion’ a success
Popular location-based consumer service. Gowalla is set to assist InterContinental Hotels Group by incorporating mobile devices into their Hit it Big Summer Promotion. The promotion currently offer guests a choice of rewards such as ‘double Priority Club®...
Web 2.0 and Your Resort
Web 2.0 and Your Resort:“Web 2.0” is the growing trend in online communities. It involves businesses using online content made by web users, as opposed to traditional publishers. This new trend ultimately incorporates online technologies focused on...
Stay and receive a free Kindle
A few weeks back I bought myself a new Amazon Kindle. Amazon have only recently opened this to the Australian market - my Kindle congratulated me for being one of the first in Australia to purchase, cool! One of the reasons I got this Kindle was to follow...
Handling Customer Reviews – Best Practice
I recently wrote a post on Hotelier’s embracing customer reviews. The post included a report by Market Metrix on what hoteliers thought of reviews and if they were important to their business. The report found that 85% of hotels and resorts did not have any...
price parity availability distribution equals more online bookings
Last week was a historical week @ www.etourismholidays.com.au as we reached a record high in online generated bookings! Our online booking engine was up more than 50% on any other time this year. We are excited about the next 6 months and are anticipating...