eTourism News Archive

Keep up to date with the latest information and tips, and the latest technologies for hoteliers and accommodation managers. Learn more about online marketing for hotels, resorts, and short-term holiday accommodation properties.

How eTourism Handles Your Data

After receiving a number of queries in regards to how or what eTourism does with your private data, including email lists, I thought I would write this blog post to let you all know what eTourism’s policy is in regards to this. eTourism DOES NOT engage in selling,...

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Welcome to the eTourism Corporate Blog

Welcome to the eTourism Corporate Blog

Welcome to the eTourism corporate blog. My name is Bryan Marsh and I’m the Managing Director at eTourism.This blog is intended for eTourism customers and anyone else interested in keeping up to date with eTourism.We intend on making frequent posts to this blog...

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