Have you taken a look at your old blog content recently? If you’ve been running the blog for several years, it’s probably overdue a bit of a clean up. Why bother? Because both Google and your guests strongly favour fresh, highly relevant content....
Content Marketing Archive
5 Powerful Ways To Drive More Facebook Traffic To Your Blog
Facebook provides an incredible platform to showcase your blog and drive traffic back to your website. In fact, promoting your blog posts on social is every bit as important as writing the posts themselves if you want to get your content discovered by the biggest...
5 Essential Hotel Blogging Tips For Beginners
Engaging, SEO boosting, and powerfully promotional, blogging is a tool hotel marketers ignore at their own peril. But it’s one a lot of hoteliers are still in the dark about, or see as an optional ‘extra’ that they’ll get round to now and then...
How To Push Your Hotel’s Blog Posts Up The Search Rankings
It’s something we all know by now: if you want to get found by your guests, you’ve got to make it to page one of Google search results. But getting there isn’t easy. If you want to secure a spot on the first page of the SERPs, simply publishing great...
5 Powerful Tips To Get Your Blog Posts Seen By More Guests
If you’ve been using content marketing to promote your hotel online for a while, chances are you’ve already created a sizeable number of blog posts. But are they actually generating traffic? No matter how interesting, helpful and engaging your content, if...
3 Indispensable Tips For Better Content Marketing
Content Marketing is a crucial tool for driving audience engagement, promoting your hotel and boosting your property’s position in the search engine results pages. There’s a huge amount of advice out there about how brands can deliver better content...
The Common Blogging Mistakes You Cannot Afford To Make
Blogging is a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition, establish yourself as an authority in the eyes of Google, climb the search rankings and engage your guests. Unfortunately, it’s also really easy to get wrong. With millions of new pieces of...
The 3 Burning Questions Your Guests Ask Before Reading Your Content
Do you know how long it takes the average reader to decide whether your hotel’s content is worth the effort? Roughly 15 seconds. But what exactly runs through your audience’s mind in this tiny timeframe? In a world overflowing with blog articles and social...
5 ‘Must Haves’ Of A Hotel Blog That Converts
Now that almost every brand under the sun has its own blog, businesses have to work harder than ever to ensure their content gets read and even more importantly, that it actually converts. Although competition for your guests’ attention online is fierce, there...