4 Tips For Creating Shareable Images on Social Media
Images generate more engagement across social networks than any other kind of content, which means if you’re not already posting pics that resonate with your guests on a regular basis,...
How To Identify Your Biggest Fans on Google+… And Leverage Their Support For Wider Reach
As an online marketer, the people that actively engage with your message and spread it on to their wider social community are your biggest asset. Perhaps more than any other social platform, Google+...
6 Things To Check Before You Send That Email
Although somewhat overshadowed by social media in the past few years, email marketing is still a fantastic way to engage your guests and drive bookings - just as long as you’re doing it right....
Telltale Signs Your Resort’s Website is Sabotaging Your Bookings Rates
Your website is your vehicle to showcase your property. It’s likely to form your guests’ first impression of your business and has the power to drive more bookings than any other...
How To Use SEO Data To Enhance Your Social Media Campaign
You probably know by now that an effective, well maintained social media presence can boost your property’s SEO efforts, but chances are you may not have thought about things from the other...
Better SEO: Why Blogging Is Essential For Higher Search Rankings
Just a few years ago, search engine optimization and blogging were two very separate spheres of marketing -all that link building and keyword research seemed a world away from the more creatively...
3 Essential SEO Priorities for 2014
With the world of Search constantly changing, and countless new tactics popping up in the marketer’s SEO rulebook every month, how do you choose where to prioritise your efforts for maximum...
Social Media Sharers Go Mobile
Recent research from ShareThis has confirmed a trend that will come as no surprise to most: when it comes to sharing content with friends and family on social media, more people are pushing aside...
5 Fatal Usability Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Bookings
It’s happened to all of us. You land on a hotel website ready to purchase. But very quickly, you become confused. How do I navigate the site? Where can I go to see reviews? What steps do...