5 Tips For Driving More Mobile Bookings
If you haven’t made sure your hotel’s website is easy to use on mobile devices yet, you’re going to miss out on a whole lot of conversions. That goes without saying. What’s...
3 Ways To Boost Your Hotel’s Visibility in the SERPs Using Social Media
Did you know your hotel’s social media activities can serve as a valuable boost to your SEO? In today’s blog, we’ll look at 3 ways social can support your website’s...
How to Use Google Analytics To Create Your Most Targeted Marketing Campaigns Yet
Ever wonder who’s really accessing your website? Google Analytics gives you access to a wealth of demographic data that can give you some valuable insights on the guests behind all those...
5 Simple Steps for Powerful Email Marketing
Although much of the focus has shifted to social media marketing in recent years, when it comes to reaching out to your guests with highly targeted messaging, email is pretty hard to beat. Used...
3 Ways to Supercharge Your Website’s Selling Power
Your website is your hotel’s biggest and best selling tool, or at least it should be. If you want to beat the OTA’s, showcase your property and drive more direct bookings than ever...
5 Bad Social Media Habits It’s Time to Break
Everyone has a bad habit (or two) that they just can’t quite break, whether it’s biting our fingernails, checking Facebook every 5 minutes or hitting the snooze button too often in the...
10 Tips For Your Most Successful Facebook Contests Yet
Running a Facebook contest can be a great way to promote your brand, learn about your guests and increase your reach on social media. If you’re thinking of holding a contest for your...
New eTourism Online Feature: Corporation Coupon Close Outs
Gain more control on when you want your Corporation Coupons (Promo Codes) to be available through a new feature included in eTourism Online’s latest update. There may be instances when you would...
How to Make the Billboard Effect Work For Your Hotel
If you’ve been following travel industry blogs for awhile, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of the so-called ‘billboard effect.’ In case you haven’t, the idea...