4 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Search Rankings
Driving a steady flow of relevant traffic to your hotel website is integral to the success of your entire digital marketing campaign. If you don’t have online travellers landing on your...
Why Personalized Content is Key To More Direct Bookings
If you want to stand out from your competitors and ensure your marketing messages resonate with the right people at the right time, it’s essential to get personal. In today’s blog,...
5 Deadly Sins of Content Creation
In the last few years, content marketing has become an increasingly important tactic for businesses trying to stay ahead in the competitive online world. Content creation and SEO go hand in hand,...
3 Steps to Creating a Perfect Mobile Experience For Your Guests
With 87% of Millennials admitting their phone never leaves their side day or night and 68% of smartphone users checking their phone within 15 minutes of waking up, ensuring your content can be...
5 Time-Saving Ways To Streamline Your Social Media Tasks
Are you struggling to juggle all your hotel’s social media tasks? Incorporating a few simple changes into your routine can boost productivity, freeing up valuable time to spend on your other...
2 Ways to Use Google Analytics Insights to Boost Your Hotel’s Marketing Plan
Google Analytics offers a wealth of data on the people who are landing on your website and how they’re engaging with your content once they land there. But knowing which metrics to focus on...
Why a Great Reservation System is Just One Element of a Website That Sells
If there’s one thing hoteliers are keen to get right when planning a new website, it’s the booking engine. After all, this is the final nudge – the point at which guests select...
4 Tried and Tested Tactics for Higher Open Rates
Whatever you may have heard, email is still an integral component of any businesses online marketing arsenal. Regularly emailing your guests great offers, exclusive packages and enticing local info...
5 Smart Ways to Drive More Online Reviews
Encouraging reviews and managing online reputation is an integral part of any hotel’s internet marketing campaign. Before parting with their money, your guests are seeking out the views and...