Boost Your Open Rates With These Tips For Better Email Intros
Thanks to the lighting pace of online marketing, new digital strategies come and go almost on a weekly basis. It’s perhaps surprising then, that one of the oldest channels in the...
How To Boost Your Revenue With More Direct Bookings
In an online market dominated by online travel agents with steep commission rates, every hotel wants to increase the number of bookings made directly through their property’s website. Here are...
How Social Media Can Boost Your Hotel’s Search Visibility
There are few digital marketers out there that would dispute that both search engine optimisation and social media are essential components of any effective online strategy. After all, SEO is the...
5 Powerful Ways To Drive More Facebook Traffic To Your Blog
Facebook provides an incredible platform to showcase your blog and drive traffic back to your website. In fact, promoting your blog posts on social is every bit as important as writing the posts...
Why Guest Data Is The Secret Ingredient Of Better Email Marketing
Whatever new social platform your guests are adopting, email remains a powerful and reliable way to engage your audience from first contact right through to booking and (hopefully) return trip....
The Latest Facebook Updates You Need To Know About
In the past year or so, Facebook has been very busy revamping established features and rolling out some pretty exciting new ones. Have you been keeping up? Whether you have or you haven’t,...
5 Essential Hotel Blogging Tips For Beginners
Engaging, SEO boosting, and powerfully promotional, blogging is a tool hotel marketers ignore at their own peril. But it’s one a lot of hoteliers are still in the dark about, or see as an...
These 3 Subject Line Tips Will Boost Your Email Open Rates
Most of us already receive more emails on a daily basis than we can comfortably handle – a fair chunk of which are marketing messages which are easier just to ignore, am I right? Does that...
4 Social Media Myths That Are Jeopardising Your Hotel’s Campaigns
Social media has been discussed at length for around a decade now. But despite the hold Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram have over most of our social lives, there still exists some pretty big myths...