Here Are Two Simple But Powerful Ways To Engage Last Minute Travel Shoppers This Christmas
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone in a whirlwind of consumer excitement and spending. It’s now time to think slightly further down the road, adopt new tactics and target...
3 Steps To Driving More Facebook Traffic To Your Hotel’s Blog Posts
If you have an active blog on your hotel’s website - which you absolutely should if you want to maximise your brand’s reach and generate direct bookings – you’re probably...
5 Key SEO Trends For 2018
As any online marketer will tell you, SEO is an increasingly complex art to master. Not only are there more than 200 different factors which make up Google’s algorithm, the search landscape is...
A Quick Guide To Setting Up Your Hotel’s YouTube Channel
Do you know what the world’s second biggest search engine after Google is? YouTube. Billions of people are making billions of video searches and watching hour upon hour of content everyday, on...
Voice Search Is Taking Over: Is Your Hotel Ready To Adapt?
One of the biggest shake ups in SEO in recent years has been the arrival of voice search. Thanks to mobile personal assistants and technologies such as Amazon Echo and Corona, consumers can quickly...
4 Tips To Boost The Social Customer Service Experience
The days when social media was simply another platform for businesses to use for self promotion have long passed. Your guests are increasingly using their online networks as a first point of contact...
4 Unbelievably Simple Ways To Get More Email List Subscribers
Email remains one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your relationship with your guests, promote targeted offers and drive bookings made through your hotel website. All businesses want a bigger...
Let Your Guests Tell Your Story: How To Leverage Audience Generated Content To Drive Bookings
Making use of audience generated content on social media offers a uniquely compelling way to communicate your hotel’s story, gain the trust of your guests and drive traffic and bookings....
Are You Guilty Of These 3 Critical SEO Mistakes On Your Hotel’s Blog?
In the struggle to keep up with the constantly evolving digital marketing landscape, it’s all too easy to lose sight of basic SEO practices we should all be using to get discovered by the...