Publishing new content to your hotel’s website on a regular basis is one of the best ways to rank highly in the search results pages and attract a steady stream of traffic. In fact, as much as a third of hotel website traffic comes from blog posts, according to data from NetAffinity.

But that doesn’t make coming up with fresh writing topics month after month any less daunting. Compared to more niche business categories, hoteliers actually have it pretty easy. Your audience is made up of travellers from all walks of life, opening up a range of broad lifestyle topics for you to write about.

Here are just a few engaging blog ideas to attract guests to your website to find out more about your hotel and (hopefully) book.

Holiday Treats and Indulgences

There’s no better excuse for treating yourself and perhaps overindulging in a luxury or two than a getaway, so if your property boasts an impressive restaurant menu and expansive wine list, flaunt it. If it doesn’t, show off the local eateries that do have something a little special to offer, taking care to mention seasonal menus, specialist beers, locally made wines. Expand your focus to themed posts listing local “hidden gem” eateries, best breakfast spots, whatever works for your city. You can do the same thing with spas, salons and other little luxuries your area has to offer.

Share A Quirky Local Story

Does your location have any funny stories, ghost tales, quirky legends or surprising celebrity connections and film locations? Of course it does, and this is exactly the kind of stuff travellers really love to hear about!

Offer A Sneak Peek Behind The Scenes

Even new guests like to feel they’re being let in the loop and finding out some insider knowledge. Think about creating a post that gives travellers a glimpse of a new design feature or facility you have in the works, or create a “vlog” style video chronicling a typical day in the life at your hotel. You could also create interviews – either in video or written format – to show off the real people behind your property. Whether it’s a chat with your receptionist or an interview with your chef about your restaurant menu, the idea is to reveal the more human side of your business, and gain trust and authenticity in the process.

Act As Local Travel Guide

Local content is an integral component of content marketing success, and your guests are actively searching for rich and original information and tips about your city every day.

Help them out while climbing the rankings by talking about how to get the most out of local sights and attractions, tips for beating the crowds, upcoming events, finding the best bargains and discovering the off-the-beaten-track attractions the guide books don’t know about.

Do you have any engaging ideas for a great hotel blog post? Let us know in the comments below!


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