When was the last time you heard someone say ‘I really do love being marketed to’? Probably never. If you take a moment to think about the things you love…chances are your guests feel exactly the same. The idea behind this so called ‘loveable marketing’ is to STEP-IT-UP. Break through boundaries and take a risk to make your marketing LOVABLE!
Everything You Say and Do = Marketing
From the look and feel of your hotel or resort, to the customer service of your staff and even the content on your website and social media page/s. This is marketing. And this is how your guests perceive you, make sure it’s worthwhile.
Focus On What is Desired by Your Customers
What are your guests looking for? Cheap rates, good deals, incentives? Listen to your guests, research into what previous guests have purchased. Give them what they want and they will come.
Create Useful Content for Campaigns
There is absolutely no need to ramble on and on to get one simple message across. There may be a million things you want to say, or 5 awesome deals you want to sell, but readers will simply lose interest when things aren’t short, sharp and straight to the point. You want to sell and not scare away.
Educate and Inform
Educating and informing your guests tends to be a much more persuasive way in getting your marketing message across. For example; providing information on your website about your hotel or resort facilities, what kind of services you have on offer – local information, ticket sales, babysitting, it is all relevant. However, as mentioned above, make sure you don’t ramble too much.
Build Relationships With Your Customers
A satisfied guest is often a guest for life. Customer service is a huge factor in building relationships with your guests. If you emotionally connect and engage with them, they will remember it and they will share it. Something as simple as a ‘Thank You’ or a ‘We Miss You’ email goes a long way. Don’t let them forget you.
Show That You Care
Make your guests feel like they are part of something exclusive. Offer them exclusive deals too good to be true, free tickets, free dinners…something they love, put it right in front of them and show them how much you care.
Create Campaigns That YOU Love
Next time you’re creating a campaign, think about something you would love to be offered. If you are completely happy or ‘in love’ with what you are offering to your guests, they will be too.
A quote to think about from marketing genius Seth Godin:
Too often, we pick the product or service first, deciding that it's perfect and then rushing to market, sure that the audience will sort itself out. Too often, though, we end up with nothing.'
So, how lovable do you think your marketing is? Next time you’re creating a campaign or even changing content on your website, have a think about the above, and really be passionate about what you’re putting out there. Realistically, if you don’t love your marketing, will anyone else?
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