For Foursquare, it’s out with the old and in with the new.

Just last week, the social networking site introduced their new and improved version with Foursquare 2.0.  Don’t worry, this change can be beneficial for your resort.

In fact, Foursquare 2.0 offers venues such as resort or hotels more opportunities to interact with their prospective guests with its new features.
What’s New with 2.0

For one, Foursquare has separated Tips and To-Dos for 2.0. This way, foursquare can help users remember all the interesting things they want to experience nearby by making it easier to access their To-Do list.  This simple change turns foursquare into more than just a tool for keeping track of where people have been, but a way to keep track of all the places they want to go and the things they want to experience.  Resorts, attractions, restaurants and bars can take advantage of this by studying the trends on what people want to see and experience. Also, they can use it as an RSVP tool in case they are having an event in their establishment.

Another change is that Foursquare spread their new Tips and To-Dos throughout the application.  Next time anyone spots a nice restaurant, they can add it their To-Do list in one click. They can also see their friends’ tips highlighted on the venue view in the app.  As a business owner, you can take advantage of this feature by adding tips to your venues such as must-do’s or must-eats.

Lastly, say hello to the ‘Add to My foursquare’ button. The new embeddable ‘Add to My foursquare’ button connects what users find as interesting venues on the web with their foursquare To-Do List. So whenever they read a nice review of your resort, they can easily click on the button and your accommodation is now on your phone.  We recommend that you add the Foursquare button to your website or blog right away.

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Is your resort happy with these new changes?