Every resort has experienced getting small complaints from their guests one time or another, be it because they don’t like the scent of the free soap or that the concierge wasn’t very helpful. They are usually issues that are easy to address but when they call you out in Twitter or in a blog, that’s a slightly different story. 

For one, complaints posted on the internet are forever recorded in history that when someone searches for your resort’s name, results may carry past grievances to you.  So before you get frustrated and respond with something that will just make the situation worse or to take it personally and get upset, read on a few tips on how you can address online complaints.

Please Reply Quickly
The response time makes a lot of difference for people who have complaints.  It makes them feel that you are not neglecting their feedback and that you care for their well-being.  If someone has an issue with your product or misunderstood your point of view, reach out and explain it to them.

Respond As You, Not As Your Company
One of the most effective ways to deal with a legitimate complaint is to reach out from your personal account. When complainants realise that they’re dealing with a real person who’s trying to help, they are more open and willing to listen.

140 Characters May Not Be Enough
At times, it’s just impossible to help someone in 140 characters. Or it’s possible, but you would have to be really terse — which is definitely not going to make you seem understanding. Instead, ask them how to connect off Twitter (shocking, I know). Shoot the complainant an e-mail or even give them a call and you’ll be surprised how far a little outreach goes.

Let Others Respond For You
If you have haters, you probably also have fans, and they’re probably very willing to spring to your defense. Maybe they’ve even already done, in which case, their response might be much more effective than yours and you can just leave well enough along.

If they haven’t already responded, consider bringing the issue to the attention of a few of your fans. Do so carefully and cautiously. Only do it with people you have actual relationships with and only in a lightweight, non-pushy way. Privately ask for feedback on a complaint — maybe it has merit and you don’t realise it or maybe they can help you understand what’s going on.

Know When to Let It Go
The truth is, you simply won’t be able please everyone. The trick is to not let it get to you. No business or person is going to make it without having a few haters — so if you have some, you might just be doing something right.

The complainers won’t go away, but you can choose how you deal with them. Some of them will be legitimate complaints from reasonable people that will be touched when you reach out quickly and earnestly to help them.