While posting Facebook status updates is a great way to engage with your resort clients, there are some ways to kick them up a notch to expand your promotional potential—by using tags. The feature was overlooked by many people who aren’t staying up-to-date on Facebook development news, so relatively few make use of it.

Facebook status tag enables your status updates to appear on other popular pages, opening the possibility that a lot more people could potentially discover your page/business.  Tagging will increase the pages where the status update appears, which increases its promotional power. And, for some popular topics, the tagging would likely result in bursts of more visits if done effectively.

To set up a tag, once must first “like” a page or “add as friend” the subject you’re attempting to link up. For instance, to mention my name and have it link up to my profile page after adding me as friend, you’d first type the “at”-symbol, “@,” in the status update box for your page and then start typing “Bryan…”. Facebook will display matching pages/people below the status update field, which you could then select.

Once you’ve tagged a post, it can then appear on pages which Facebook has created for all sorts of various topics, such as for well-known items and places. Status tagging allows your status updates to appear on these Facebook community pages, allowing individuals to discover you, click through, and potentially “friend” you or “like” your page.

Also, mentioning your geographic areas as tags consistently will allow local consumers to discover your company. By using this tactic consistently over time, you may be able to increase your Facebook audience and your customer base.

Things to remember when using tags:

    * Finding reasons to use multiple tags within updates will expand your reach more than using only one. Facebook puts a limit of six tags per update, however.
    * Include links to pages outside of Facebook with your posts, particularly links to pages which have images that will display a thumbnail in your Facebook status update. Pictures are more compelling than mere words.
    * Post stuff that’s not solely about you and your company. Mentioning local charitable events and local news items intermittently can help break things up and keep you from being boring.
    * Periodically update by adding items to your Facebook photo albums. Include pictures of local interest in addition to photos of your business.
    * Similar to adding images for status updates, upload videos sometimes, too.

If things are still remain unclear, you may watch this instructional video on Facebook Status tagging.