It seems as though everyone’s favorite search engine giant Google is not satisfied with search engine dominance, the web has been circulating rumors recently regarding the possibility of a Google version of socialnetworking website Facebook.  

Facebook is the no. 1 social networking website in today’s society. It is no surprise that Google would be looking to replicate a similar and more successful version of Facebook.Google has a somewhat shaky past with social networking; the ultimate inability to make headway. Google has made numerous attempts to successfully pierce the social networking market; however its failure has not lessened its ambition to continue trying.

Even in the light of previous failure, and in spite of the already successfully running social networking sites, online users are interested to see what Google rumored latest development will bring and the possibilities this might have on the online world. One thing is for sure, when it comes to Google there is nothing they won’t try.

The constant ambition of Google to spread its technology into every realm of cyberspace is one element that works to the advantage of users and consumers. Despite the negative affects Google’s projects sometimes have on companies, it’s need to continuously  ‘out do’ other online conglomerates usually results in an improvement in available technology and applications. One thing that is noteworthy is that when it comes to Google, they are reluctant to settle for anything but the best, and don’t give up until they have succeeded.

WIth the ever changing social media landcape it is important to remember that when marketing for your hotel, you should always target the social media platforms that are popular and have the most investment/ return potential.