The new Facebook “Like” button has been active since early april and we are beginning to see some interesting ways that this feature can benefit your Hotel!

The new and improved “Like” button is said to act as an open channel, giving hotels the option to offer promotions, discounted room rates, and connect directly with people who show an interest in their hotel.

The key difference between the old Facebook “Like” button and the new one is its functionality.  The old “Like” limited users, only allowing them to connect with Facebook friends within their network. It was a restricted ‘one time’ connection. The new “Like” button is like adding a new friend, the connections are unlimited.  It allows you to update the user’s News Feed with news, offers, links, or photos. The key feature with the new “Like” button is the ability to “Like” third party websites. How this feature works is that websites such as hotel websites are implementing a Social Plugin which allows users who visit the website to “Like” it. The users Facebook profile connects with the company’s Facebook page and the user has essentially “Liked” the Facebook Page via the company’s website.

This new feature is proving to be an asset for the hospitality industry. It is giving hotels and resorts an additional avenue to advertise and connect with potential clients.

Here are a few ways your hotel can benefit from the “Like” button

Website Traffic     

Chances are people will not just “Like” your hotel without first checking out your website. This means an increase in website traffic from interested clients. This also means they can use the third party “Like” function on your website to connect directly with your hotel’s Facebook Page.  For customers who have already stayed at your hotel, you can use the powerful tool of discounts to perpetuated Facebook contact. You could place messages on brochures, newsletters or hotel recepts stating “Click “Like” on our website and get 10% off your next stay with us!”


Once you have someone who “Likes” your website, they will only remain loyal so long as they are interested. It is your job to offer new content, exciting videos, competitions or promotions ensuring we keep them captivated.

It is also important not to spam your users. Keep all your content light, fun and informative without being too repetitive. Remember it is very easy for users to “Unlike” your hotel.

User Interaction

It is important to encourage your Facebook users to post comments, reviews or testimonials on your Facebook Page. By allowing users to upload videos, post questions or concerns, and share the details of their stay, you are regenerating a great talking point for interested guests. This encourages people to both interact with your Page and hotel and also creates a buzz.

Want a “Like” button for your hotel’s website?

The “Like” button can easily be installed into your website by using a “Social Pluigin” code. Such codes can be sourced through sites such as Duct Tape. If you are considering this in you Social Media strategy it might be a good idea to consult your website developer, who would be able to easily integrate this function into your site.

So what’s next?

The popularity of the new “Like” button has extended to other social, location based networking groups. Foursquare are even utilising the new “Like” button, by suggesting customers “Like” places when they “check in”. Social Plugins such as the “Like” button are becoming increasingly popular and it really is no wonder. They allow users to connect with a product from a multitude of different areas and they are making it easier than ever before to advertise a hotel or brand.

If you need anymore information on how this Facebook update could benefit your website, or if you want more information on Social Plugins, visit Facebook where they give a detailed explanation of the functionality of a Social Plugin.