Consumers have spoken and what they like is online videos. Retailers are reacting to the increase of consumers demanding online videos when performing online shopping. The growing trend shows consumers react positively to video’s displaying images, visual tours and interesting information regarding the product or hotel.

Jeffery Grau, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report “Video E-Commerce: Innovative Models Drive Sales, says, despite the fact that “consumers rank other purchase decision-making tools, such as customer reviews, ahead of videos in  importance…has not discouraged retailers from quickly adding videos to their sites.” He further believes that these videos boost sales conversation rates.

Companies are eagerly adding these videos to their websites in the hopes of differentiating themselves from their competitors and to keep consumers interested and engaged.

There has been an increate of 378% ( of retailers offering online videos to there consumers in 2009, this includes over two-thirds of the biggest online retailers.

This trend reflects the growing increase of Social Media within the World Wide Web. Video’s now play an important role of providing consumers with more than just a sale pitch. These videos give them a chance to view the resort, apartment or product through the video and come to their own conclusions.

It has been anticipated that the increase in videos being posted on company’s websites will only continue to increase as consumer’s appetite for such visual stimulation remains constant.