Any hotel's priority is to satisfy its customers. However, a business's online reputation occasionally suffers even with the best customer service.

Suppose a hotel guest posts a bad or fake review online for everyone to see. Or, even worse, a negative media story spreads far more widely than you had imagined. Online reputation management can help with that.

What is Online Reputation Management?

You can think of online reputation management (ORM) for hotels as being in charge of establishing and preserving a favourable perception of your business. It typically entails addressing unfavourable internet comments or evaluations.

Did you know that Tripadvisor conducted a study in 2021? To better understand how various review formats affect travel planning and decision-making, Tripadvisor surveyed 9,000 consumers in the following countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Singapore, and Australia. Online reviews are "extremely or very important," according to 3 out of 4 respondents, when choosing a destination. It holds true for accommodation (82%), attractions (77%), and restaurants (70%) alike.

So staying on top of your internet game is crucial now more than ever. You should pay great attention to review websites like Google and Tripadvisor, as well as on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

But how exactly do you manage your online reputation?

Maintain an active presence.

Hotels must have a robust internet presence to develop relationships with their previous, present, and future guests. A quick Google search will reveal the accommodation's business listing and, most likely, its website and social media profiles, such as Facebook and Tripadvisor links.

With Google Business, reviews are displayed in Maps and Search next to your business profile. You must add or claim your listing. The same is true of Tripadvisor. Aside from online business listings, keep in mind that the social media scene is continually changing.

There are 2.91 billion active Facebook users per month. That is an increase of 6.2% from the 2.74 billion users in 2021, which were already up 12% from the previous year. Additionally, every month 1.22 billion people use Instagram. In case it isn't apparent, Instagram is hugely popular. It would help if you were simply on both popular social media networks and reach your customers.

Send a prompt response.

Answer your prospective guest's questions. Most travellers would send a direct message or leave a comment on your social media posts. Therefore, it's crucial to check your accounts every day. Quick responses let potential guests know you care and are ultimately there to assist.

Encourage guests to share their experiences.

Make it clear to your guests that you are ready to listen. Since the guests' pleasant recollections of their stay are still fresh, you can ask them to post reviews as they check out. Additionally, you can inform them where they can leave their reviews. Send a prompt response when they write a review, per number one, even if it's a negative one.

When customers write unfavourable comments or reviews, respond to them patiently. By responding to negative comments, you may demonstrate to future guests that you will take care of their concerns even if they have a problem with your accommodation.
Do you require assistance establishing and keeping a positive online reputation for your hotel accommodation? You can manage your internet reputation with the assistance of eTourism. To contact us, click here.