Want to reach a wider audience with your resort’s website content?

All it takes is a few simple steps to maximise the appeal of your site’s content and facilitate quick and easy sharing on the most popular social media channels.

Here are three tried and true ways to amp up the shareability of your website content.

1: Optimize Images For Social Sharing

People online are naturally drawn more to visual content than text, so it’s important that you ensure your website’s images are as appealing as possible and easily shareable on the major social networks.

It’s worth remembering that a photo that looks great on one of your website’s pages won’t necessarily look so great in a social media post. To check how your images translate between the two channels, create a Facebook post and add the URL of the image you’d like to get shared. You’ll be able to see at a glance if there are any issues with the formatting or size of the image. In general, square shaped images will look clean and eye-catching across all social platforms, and you’ll find a handy reference guide for optimal image dimensions for all the major social networks here.

On Facebook in particular, it’s important that your photos are mobile-friendly, so be sure to check how your ‘test’ images appear on a smartphone screen too.

2. Choose Your Blog Images Carefully

Although you may be more concerned about the photography you are placing alongside your web copy to sell your property, you should pay close attention to the images you choose for your blog content, too. Most of the social platforms automatically pull in images with the links their users share, which means yours need to be high quality if you want the best chance possible of catching people’s attention and driving click-throughs to your website. When you don’t have your own relevant image to accompany a blog post you may find something suitable on Creative Commons, just be careful about image attribution terms if you’re going for free images. However you source them, don’t let blog images be an oversight!

3. Add Share Buttons

Whether your content is text or image based, the best way to boost its social shareability is to make it easy to share. Adding social share buttons to your content will act as a subtle call to action, urging your audience to share your content with their friends and family online. You can either use plugins like AddThis and ShareThis, or get the buttons yourself from the individual platforms your guests use most. Whichever you choose, be sure to place the buttons prominently, and use analytics tracking to identify the kind of content that generates the best results for you.

What do you think? Do you use any of these tactics to make your resort’s content more shareable? Let us know in the comments below!


– 5 Ways to Maximise Your Facebook Shares
– 3 Social Media ‘Rules’ You Can Afford To Break
– 4 Tips For Creating Shareable Images on Social Media