Now that we’re a few weeks into the New Year, have you stopped to think about where you’d like to take your property’s marketing campaign in the coming 11 months? Taking time to reassess your efforts will keep you focused on everything you need to achieve to take your campaign to the next level and make 2014 just as – if not even more – successful than 2013. If you haven’t compiled a list of marketing resolutions yet, here are four key goals we think you should be focusing on.

Get mobile-friendly

The popularity of Smartphones and tablets just keeps on soaring, and not only in terms of sales. In 2013, more and more of your guests were using their mobile devices to check their emails, research their trips and make bookings online. As predicted by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt in this recent interview, this trend can only skyrocket in the coming months.

So if you still haven’t optimised your resort’s email marketing campaigns and websites for mobile, there’s no excuse not to get started now. 

Revamp your content strategy

“Content” became the buzzword of internet marketing in 2013, and it’s only going to become more important this year, given Google’s assertion that creating high quality, information-rich pages is “the single most important thing to do” when it comes to driving traffic to your website.

With this in mind, it’s worthwhile taking time to evaluate the types of content that your guests respond to the most. The best way to identify the kind of content that works best for you is by looking over your analytics stats from the last few months and through ongoing testing of topics and content types.

Fine-tune your social media campaign

Right now, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and visual platforms Pinterest and Instagram are the undisputed giants of social media.

Flashy new platforms are sure to garner attention over the course of the year, but we recommend you master your campaigns on these aforementioned sites – all proven to drive traffic, engagement and sales for brands worldwide – before dipping your toe into the latest “big thing”.

Reconsider your guest personas

The resolutions above won’t be effective if you don’t have a clear idea of who you’re actually creating campaigns for in the first place. This is a great time of year to take another look at your guest personas and conduct thorough research to truly understand what makes your target demographic tick. The more you know about your guests, the more you can tailor your email, social and content strategies to address their needs and the better your results.

Have you made any marketing resolutions for 2014? Let us know in the comments below.

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