Email marketing has always been an effective way to reach out to existing and prospective guests.  It’s organic, as these people voluntarily signed up to receive your news and updates. 

So how do you grow the number of people who have given you permission to communicate with them?  Here are some tips.

Monitor Unsubscription Rates
A critical success metric in email marketing is not necessarily how the number of "new subscribers" increases, but if the number of existing subscribers decreases. "As soon as you start to send too many sales-related emails, they might have the notion that you are taking advantage of their valuable time and eventually delete the subscription.

Make sure that you send regular updates but also see that you don’t start flooding their inboxes.  Don’t focus on building new subscribers at the cost of losing existing ones.

Send Informative Content Regularly
If people find value from your emails, chances are your unsubscription rates will decrease.  Though self-promotion is common in email marketing, be sure to also send valuable information such as tips on travelling, ideas on how to plan their holidays, essential things to bring on out-of-town getaways, the benefits of booking attractions in advance, etc.   Make sure your emails are dominated by valuable and informative information and less sales-centric offers.

Include Sharing Capabilities
When you provide valuable content, you will encourage recipients to forward these emails to others who might be interested in the same type of content. Such peer sharing will help you grow your list and nurture prospects into leads and potential guests.  Include "Forward This Email" or/and social media buttons such as Twitter and Facebook to facilitate the email sharing process.

Indeed, no matter what your distinct approach to growing your email marketing list, you will certainly need to make one commitment – show respect for your recipients.