Most of us already receive more emails on a daily basis than we can comfortably handle – a fair chunk of which are marketing messages which are easier just to ignore, am I right? Does that mean that sending email campaigns to your guests is a waste of your...
Month: May 2017 Archive
4 Social Media Myths That Are Jeopardising Your Hotel’s Campaigns
Social media has been discussed at length for around a decade now. But despite the hold Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram have over most of our social lives, there still exists some pretty big myths when it comes to using social media for business. Let’s take a...
How To Improve Your Website’s Bounce Rate (and Drive More Bookings)
Representing the percentage of visitors who land on your website only to leave before checking out any other page, bounce rate is one of the few metrics you really don’t want to increase. A high bounce rate often indicates that a page offers a poor user...
How To Climb The YouTube Search Results By Boosting Your Videos’ Watch Time
Increasing the amount of time guests spend watching your hotel’s YouTube videos not only ensures that more of your content gets viewed, it helps it get discovered by an even wider audience. Following a 2012 algorithm update, watch time or “audience...