With the huge emphasis that has been placed on content production in recent years, competition for travel consumers’ attention online has never been fiercer. A high quality and strategic SEO campaign is therefore essential if you want to be the best answer to...
Month: February 2017 Archive
5 Simple Email Marketing Resolutions For 2017
Whatever exciting new social networks, apps and digital strategies emerge for reaching your guests in the coming months, email marketing is going nowhere in 2017. It remains one of the most powerful and cost effective ways to reach your guests wherever they are,...
3 Sure-Fire Signs Your Competitors Are Beating You Online
The competition for your guests’ attention online is fiercer than ever, and one thing’s for sure; if other local hotels are doing a better job reaching them than you are, your booking rates are going to suffer. So, how do you know if your competition is...
Is SEO Dead in 2017?
It’s a debate that rages on and on, and not least when it comes to online travel marketing: is search engine optimisation still relevant, or is it a dying practice? Well I can confirm, SEO is alive and well – in fact, organic search consistently generates...