Good marketing is all about creating an experience that makes your guests feel like your addressing their specific needs as individuals. When it comes to your email marketing campaign, the most effective way to do this is to personalise your message, and this involves...
Month: July 2012 Archive
Google: How to Get Started in SEO
Google dominates 87.6% of the search engine market share worldwide, so it goes it without saying that optimising your resort’s website to rank highly in Google search results is essential. And where better to find out how to improve your ranking than from the...
Making the Most of Your Channel Manager
We often get asked a lot of questions about how you connect your channel manager to eTourism Online. eTourism Online works with the major & most popular channel managers in the marketplace including Siteminder, Resonline, HiSite, Ezychannel & Update 247. How...
Six Steps For Successful Email Subject Lines
How many emails do you receive each day? And how many of those do you actually open? When you’re scanning your inbox each morning, chances are it’s the email subject line that determines which emails you open and which you send straight to your trash can....