Month: May 2012 Archive

Keep up to date with the latest information and tips, and the latest technologies for hoteliers and accommodation managers. Learn more about online marketing for hotels, resorts, and short-term holiday accommodation properties.
Mac Users Spend More on Hotels

Mac Users Spend More on Hotels

In an attempt to understand the travel planning behaviour of its customers, Orbitz have discovered a surprising fact: Mac users are 40% more likely to book a 4 or 5 star hotel than their PC using counterparts. The findings are being used along with a mountain of other...

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Twitter Launches Weekly Email Digest

Twitter Launches Weekly Email Digest

Twitter just announced that it will be sending its users an email every week, presenting tweets and stories shared by their Twitter contacts over the last seven days. The new service will highlight who shared the feature stories and you’ll be able to click...

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How eTourism Handles Your Data

After receiving a number of queries in regards to how or what eTourism does with your private data, including email lists, I thought I would write this blog post to let you all know what eTourism’s policy is in regards to this. eTourism DOES NOT engage in selling,...

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Broadcasting Your Blogs

Blogging is a popular way for businesses to communicate updates such as upcoming events, special deals, and timely information with their clients.  It’s also a fantastic way to increase your visibility in search engines such as Google and Bing because they really...

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Facebook Launch Pages Manager App

One of the criticisms leveled at Facebook’s mobile apps in the past has been that the social network giant simply has too many features to cram into one mobile experience. Facebook began to address this issue with the launch of Facebook Messenger, and now it...

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How To Create A Pinterest Profile

As discussed in a recent post on our hotel marketing blog, Pinterest has caught the attention of marketers and is already beginning to make waves in the travel industry. It goes without saying that there are some huge potential benefits to having your resort...

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What’s in Your Room Descriptions

A common area that gets overlooked in eTourism Online is our room & package descriptions. Too often we  will see simply ‘3 Night Stay’ which gives the potential customer no real information about what they are getting.When someone is looking to...

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Top 5 Asia-Pacific Travel Trends

Top 5 Asia-Pacific Travel Trends

 Travel firms all over the world have had to keep pace with rapid changes within the industry over the past few years. Many of these new challenges are common to all markets but there are specific differences in individual market development levels and consumer...

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