With the iPad’s impending release and its (already) massive popularity, I thought it was a good time to get you thinking above and beyond when it comes to new technology and your Hotel.A few moths ago I blogged to you about the possibilities the Kindle could...
Month: May 2010 Archive
The iPad Count Down is on!
Apple announced last week that the highly anticipated iPad™ will be available in Australia on Friday 28th of May.Australia will be sharing this release date with eight other countries including, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the...
Google Sizes up the Online Competition
There is a buzz in cyber space in the wake of Google’s release of the new look interfaces.The user friendly, cleaner, fresh interfaces feature a left - hand navigation bar which updates based on search questions. It has also proven to provide easier access to...
Twitter’s new Business Features
It was recently confirmed that Twitter is in the process of beta testing new features, specifically designed for businesses.Twitter has hand selected businesses to participate in the beta testing of the products, having the ‘Twitter Business Centre’ only...
Google Launches New Search Engine Interface
Google announced its plans to launch its new Search Engine Interface, which according to ITech Report should be visible to Australian users later today. The new interface is said to be a cleaner and fresh take on their already successful Search Engine...
Improve Your Hotel’s Social Media Presence in Just 10 Minutes a day:
Social Media is steadily taking over marketing practises in businesses everywhere. If you’re still not convinced that social media marketing is the way, here are a few simple reasons why spending just 10 minutes a day on it, can improve your Hotel’s online...