Until recently, good SEO has been all about implementing the same tried and test techniques to get your website noticed by the search engines. Moving forward, getting noticed will be less about keyword insertion and H1 tags, and more about capitalising on social sharing through original, high quality content that gets people talking and coming back for more.  

In the last 12 months, there have been some pretty major changes in the world of online marketing. We’ve seen the rapid growth of image pinboard site Pinterest, witnessed several major IPOs and acquisitions, watched global Facebook membership finally tick over the one billion mark, and seen a Korean pop artist take the world by storm with the help of YouTube.  

So what should we expect for 2013?  

With the help of several industry experts, online marketing and analytics company Hubspot has just compiled a guide for the New Year, titled 20 Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2013 & Beyond. Check it out here: http://offers.hubspot.com/20-marketing-trends-and-prediction-for-2013-and-beyond for a glimpse of things to come!