You’re probably aware by now that blogging is absolutely essential to the success of your online marketing campaign. Without regular fresh content, Google will no longer crawl your site, your search engine ranking will plummet, your social media community will grind to a halt and you’ll have less valuable online engagement with your guests. On top of all this, without blogging, you’ll have significantly fewer pages on which to create calls to action and collect new prospective guests, which is the central aim of your whole marketing campaign, right?
Despite all this, blogging still has an unfair reputation for being time-consuming, difficult and well, boring, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Here’s a fool-proof blogging formula you can use to get your blogging campaign on track, quickly and easily.
The Winning Formula
A high quality, interesting blog doesn’t need to be long. In fact, if there’s one thing certain to have your readers clicking the back button immediately it’s a huge wall of uninterrupted text. That said, a quality blog post should contain three important sections. Here’s what to include in each.
The introduction is the place to set out the problem or question you’re going to address in the body of the blog post. Avoid offering solutions here – the purpose of this section is to grab your readers’ attention, get them nodding in agreement and make them eager to keep reading for more information.
This is where you explain the solutions to the problem or expand on the issue you just identified in the introduction. You can choose to use paragraphs, numbered lists, bullet points, side headings or even a mix of all of these to form the body of your blog post.
Your conclusion should wrap up the blog by briefly reflecting on the issue you’ve just addressed in your post. Keep it short and to the point, encourage your readers to post their thoughts in the comments section and include a call-to-action to drive bookings.
Filling in the Blanks
This super simple blog structure makes it quick and easy to create content that’s interesting and useful to your readers, but there are a few other things to consider before you hit the keyboard. As mentioned briefly above, you need to think about including a call to action to drive your readers to sign up to your mailing list or make a booking. Taking time to create an attention grabbing title will generate more click-throughs, and you also need to consider sprinkling keywords and internal links throughout your blog to maximize your search engine ranking.
Remember, the above formula is by no means rigid; there’s plenty of room for creativity in blogging and there are other structures that work just as well. But next time you’re suffering from blogger’s block, these simple tips should get you producing fresh content that’s useful to your guests and invaluable to your whole online marketing campaign in no time.
Do you use this formula to create blog posts or do you have your own structure you follow?